Hello friends! At long long last, I’m back on the blogosphere!
What with the worldwide Covid-19 situation keeping me home more often as of late, I thought it would be the perfect time for me to update this space with the gazillion makes I’ve sewn since my last post in 2016 (more than 3 years ago!). Since then, I’ve made an evening dress, my wedding dress, countless casual dresses and done lots of pattern testing. I’m so excited to finally get round to sharing all of this with you!
Starting off easy, I’m sharing this pattern hack of the all-popular True Bias Ogden Cami dress using this lovely Lady McElroy cotton lawn generously gifted by Minerva Craft. Read all about how I hacked and pattern along with other construction details in my post on the Minerva Craft Blogging Network here!

I’ll be back with more posts soon, but until then, stay safe and healthy everyone!
P.S. A big shout out to the wonderful Lili, who shared that she enjoyed reading my blog when I bumped into her at a Christmas fair last year. I didn’t even think anyone remembered this site existed! Thanks so much Lili for the encouragement to revive this long-lost hobby of mine <3