I’m an incredibly lazy shopper. I don’t like loitering around pointlessly in malls looking at clothes I can’t afford, I hate queuing for the changing room, and I feel stressed when making others wait for me when I shop in a group. (Yet I feel stressed making decisions without a second opinion!!! Anyone else have this infuriating problem?) It’s not surprising that I do most of my shopping online instead – ASOS, Zalora, blogshops – my own virtual shopping heaven from the comfort of my bed.
The one bad (and pretty major) thing about buying clothes that you haven’t tried on is that all too often the fit is a little off. As a result of this I have a whole cupboard full of clothing that I’ve been meaning to refashion or resize. In particular is this ADORABLE little gold and white striped crop top from A for Arcade which I scored on sale:
I envisioned it paired with pencil skirts and denim high waisted skinnies, but was disappointed when I received my order and found it way too small around the waist – I couldn’t even button it up! (it’s telling that it fit round my bust but not my waist #workouttime #smallbustwoes )
I looked around for an online tutorial on how to add width to crop tops but came up empty, so I did a bit of freestyle fiddling and this was the result:
Pretty good for a beginner attempt I think! Keep on reading to see how I did it-
Materials and tools needed:
A crop top to resize
Unpicker & Scissors
Fabric for the side panels and matching thread (I used white bamboo knit, it’s slightly lighter than double knit but a whole lot more stable than jersey)
Sewing machine
Pinking shears (or an overlocker if you have one!)
1. Pick apart the side seams of the crop top.
2. Cut a piece of fabric as tall as the height of your crop top plus seam allowances (I used 1 inch) and as wide as you estimate you will need to extend one side by. (I estimated the width needed and just snipped off the excess after!)
3. With right sides together, sew the fabric to your crop top along the side seam. Because I was using a knit, I used a tight zig-zag stitch.
4. Hem the top of your fabric to match the height of your crop top.
5. Put on the crop top and facing a mirror (or enlisting the help of a significant other / sewing buddy) pin out the excess fabric along the side seam. Do the same on the other side.
Because my crop top had darts in the front already, this was a matter of just pinching out the excess along the contour of my body and pinning it.
At this point, take off the crop top and check that it looks like this:
Also check that the side panels on either side are roughly equal (mine are off by about a cm but it’s not very noticeable!)
6. Stitch up the side seams right sides together, using a zig-zag stitch if you’re using a stretchy fabric.
7. Hem the bottom of the side panel to match the rest of the bottom hem of the crop top.
8. Finish the seams any way you like – I pinked mine because I figured the knit wouldn’t fray much.
9. And don’t forget to press your seams! Mine looked awful till I did.
Voila! You’re done! Your formerly too-small-to-breathe-in crop top now fits perfectly.
And you guys I’m so in love with mine. I’m already planning all the outfits I can wear it with! (Sadly there is a dearth of high-waisted fitted skirts in my closet – I will have to rectify that ASAP!)
Anybody else have suggestions on how to resize too-tight tops? (ooh checkout my alliteration)
Interesting post and I love your content.
Keep up the good work.
Best wishes, R.
Thanks so much!
Hi Jessie! I have just seen your comment on Making & Marking… would you like to do the #sewingsanta with me as your partner? I’m in the USA! You can email me through my blog http://threadsandbobbins.com if you would like to set something up:-)
I’ve just sent off an e-mail to you!
Hey very nice blog!